We published the article about Neumorphism, but probably need to publish other trends that now present in UI/UX design.
New Neuomorphism
You’ve read it right! Neuomorphism is evolving and, I guess, it’s here to stay (whether you like it or not). It didn’t last long in its initial form, but it is changing towards more sophisticated and accessible direction. It’s almost like skeuomorphism, but with a fresh, modern, more aesthetic vibe.
Soft gradients
Gradients are not going anywhere! In fact, I’m seeing a lot of them, as backgrounds and on UI elements, such as buttons, cards and graphs.
Mixing more than two colors to create a colorful blurry background is also a thing!
Geometric elements
Both used as main background or theme, or just a detail to make the design look more interesting — geometric elements are getting more and more attention. They are often mixed to create a mosaic — and the result looks really cool!
Pastel backgrounds
I have to say I love this trend. I’ve seen a lot of astounding, lightweight, aesthetically pleasing designs with very delicate, bright pastel color schemes.
It makes the designs look very modern, non-intrusive, fresh and delightful, in which content plays the main role, and everything else is just a subtle background.
Illustrations and 3D
Illustrations are still a craze. Different styles, different color schemes, more or less abstract, so they match the product’s characteristics. Not only flat, but also imitating the 3D look. I believe they are a nice change after all these years of using stock images for every single digital project on earth!
Abstract shapes
Used for backgrounds and for different UI elements. They make the interface look more “organic” and playful, which I believe is a good thing. Edit the simpliest shapes (square, oval) with pen tool, play with different border-radius, try different colors/gradients, and you may end up with a very interesting outcome. Or just save yourself a few minutes and try the simple but amazing tool called Blobmaker.
Dark mode
Dark mode is a color-inverted version of the interface, to make it more accessible at midnight hours. Since I am a typical night owl, I often use dark modes to swipe through my favorite apps before going to sleep. When creating a dark mode, remember to keep the right contrast between different elements and typography.
Elements at an angle
Not only used for Dribbble shots, but also as a way to present different content on websites in a more non-standard way. It somehow makes the content looks more interesting and eye-catching. How to quickly achieve this effect? First, make a collage of elements at 0° degrees. Make them one group. Then, change the group angle (from 30° to 50°) and voila! This way you don’t have to change the angle of every single element by hand
Soft shadows
Another favorite trend of mine. Soft shadows make the UI looks more in-depth. The effect is often very subtle but aesthetically pleasing. Shadows, in general, make certain UI elements more “clickable”, and they help to differentiate the hierarchy between content.
Simple, thick typography
I was never a fan of thin fonts, (ugh, the iOS7 era) so I am happy to see this trend go away. Right now I’m observing the usage of thicker, simple in form (almost square-looking), readable fonts. They make the interface look extra modern and polished. If you searching for a similar one to use, try Poppins, Montserrat (free) or Gilroy, Sofia Pro, Proxima Nova (paid).
UPD After publication our reader sent us interesting article with another opinion.