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Android 11 has arrived! The latest release is all about helping you get to what's important on your phone with easier ways to help you manage your conversations, connected devices, privacy, and much more. In honor of the 11th version of Android


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What is a button?

A button is an interactive element with a clearly labeled action. You can bet that if it says “Pay” on a button, clicking it will likely ask you for your credit card details.


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Visual bugs are errors in the presentation of an application. They appear all the time, and frequently surface when applications are viewed in the various viewport sizes of our mobile devices (laptops, phones, tablets, watches).

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What is animation?

Animation is a method in which individual images are combined to make them appear as if it’s a smooth singular motion. Every bit of animation you see today consists of multiple images (or a single image in multiple states), smashed together to trick the human eye.


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