Snyer Best Price
Scan, compare, and SAVE!
Snyer BestPrice allows you to scan bar codes of products and create your own price catalogs.
Snyer BestPrice allows you to store most recent prices in the stores, compare the cost of goods in different stores and save on purchases.
Built-in price converter per unit of product. From now on, any marketing gimmicks will not confuse you!
Snyer BestPrice is a very handy tool for saving money in daily trips to the stores and while on travel.
- Consider this instead: Scans a barcode of the product, searches a local database, and shows prices for this product.
- Provides easy way to add a new product including a photo picture, general information and pricing per store.
- View and compare prices of goods in different stores on different dates.
- View price history in selected store
- Unlimited number of product groups - fully customizable tags and sorting
- Product Cart.
- Quick access to the history of scanning
- Multi-language support (with the possibility to add your own translation)
- Multiple currency support
- Easy navigation
- Import/Export information from application
- Search goods by bar-code or product's name
- new currency
- "send report" to developers
- FaceBook like buttons
- Twitt function
- other social functions
- Multi Shopping Cart with synchronization
- Sharing Shopping Cart
- Change UI
- online/offline synchronization Shop/Product/Price
- choose shop on Google map
- Cart/Analytic